
Welcome to my website.

The topics I cover relate to long-time personal interests: political dissent, cultural matters and languages (I hold a master’s degree in languages and literary translation from Padua University, Italy).

I have penned for Open Democracy, the New StatesmanThe Independent, Prospect Magazine, the Huffington Post (UK), Foreign Policy, Politico Europe, Little Atoms, the International Business Times, Social Europe, the Aspen Review (Central Europe), Mediapart (English version), Progress plus the professional blogs Labour List and Left Foot Forward, and the academic Euro Crisis in the Press, by the London School of Economics (LSE) – see links to all my published pieces on the ‘Published work’ page.

That being said, my work has also been either quoted or republished in full by:

La Vanguardia (Barcelona), daily newspaper;

Chicago Tribune, daily newspaper;

Al-Monitor (Washington), digital daily;

Linkiesta (Milan), digital daily;

The New Zealand Herald (Auckland), daily newspaper;

The Forward (New York), American Jewish online publication;

… amongst many others.

I also used to be part of an Italian collective of foreign press translators called Italia dall’estero (“Italy from abroad”); our work was regularly published by the Rome-based national daily Il Fatto Quotidiano on its online version. The project subsequently stopped in 2017. Two translations of mine, from 2012 and 2013, can still be read today: here (an article on Silvio Berlusconi’s mediatic power, from Süddeutsche Zeitung) and here (on Italian MPs’ overgenerous allowances, from Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung).

Thanks for taking an interest,

Alessio Colonnelli

Substack: @alessiocolonnelli

Instagram: @alessio_colonnelli

X: @co1onne11i